Natural Earth Children's Individual Water-Based Paint Packets
Each 80g packed makes approximately 450g of paint when mixed with water. Packaged individually, these vibrant natural pigments produce rich coloured non-toxic paints when mixed with water. Perfect for all ages to get creative, these are 100% safe, natural and washable paints.
Top up your craft supplies with your most used colours, these individual packets include vibrant colours made from natural mineral pigments in powder form. Mixed 1:1 with water they form a creamy tempera-like poster paint consistency giving brilliantly radiant colour. Add more water for a watercolour paint effect.
This plastic-free natural paint for kids can be used for a multitude of art and craft projects as the natural pigments can be used to paint on a wide variety of different surfaces including paper and cardboard, wood, stone and fabric. These organic paints make a great first paint set for toddlers, being eco-friendly and safe but we do recommend adult supervision for under 3 years. Make up the amount of paint you need for your painting session in the pots, and any leftovers can be kept in the fridge with the lid on for 2-3 weeks. A great addition to your craft box, Natural Earth Paint is suitable for adults and children and makes a thoughtful and creative gift.
Children's natural paint individual sachets:
- Individual packets of hand-crafted, powdered vegan paint - colours available include black, green, orange, white, red, yellow, true purple
- Each 80g packet of pigment makes approximately 450g of paint
- Packaged in biodegradable recycled paper packets
- 100% vegan
Ingredients: Organic corn starch, gum arabic, natural earth & mineral pigments
Age: Suitable from 3 years +
Sensory Play: Fine-motor skills, mark-making, creative expression
Vibrant, natural paints made from pure earth minerals and pigments. Natural Earth Paints was founded by artist, mum and environmentalist Leah Fanning in 2009, who was looking for an alternative to conventional paints that were non-toxic and high quality. In the beginning she would head out with a trowel and harvest the pigments herself from her surroundings. Natural Earth Paints has grown and now sources pigments from across the world from small family-owned sustainable quarries, producing luminous and brilliantly radiant colours naturally, without fillers and preservatives. Operating from a 100% solar-powered facility in southern Oregon in the US, Natural Earth Paints use only consumer recycled paper and card packaging, biodegradable plastic bags and recycled glass bottles, to keep valuable recourses going to landfill to a minimum.